Our Commitment to Sustainability

Epallet is committed to being environmentally responsible. We are concerned about the future of our planet, and we are doing our part to protect it at all costs. Together with our partners and customers, our green initiatives make a net positive impact on our environment and reduce our carbon footprint.

Epallet is committed to being environmentally responsible and accountable. Our essential goals are:

  • Working with our customers to implement sustainable programs
  • Working at our own facilities to become more environmentally responsible
  • Shifting our mindset from consuming to conserving

Partnering with our customers, we implement green initiatives that positively impact our environment and reduce our carbon footprint. We recycle a full range of material including wood, paper, corrugated, glass, metal, and plastic. Wood is 100% recyclable and 100% renewable. No part of the trees we utilize will ever see a landfill; in fact, even our saw dust is sold to local farms for animal bedding or used for erosion control silt socks. When our recycled pallets can no longer be repaired, they are ground into mulch for landscaping purposes or utilized for fuel.

Not only are raw materials renewable, but reusing them does not impact quality or efficiency. Discarding old or slightly damaged pallets is throwing money out the window. You can save significant costs by recycling your old pallets.

Epallet has embraced the thinking that we must conserve wherever and whenever possible, individually, and collectively as a company. We recycle the paper and products we use in our own offices and plants. We initiated a recycling program for our garbage collected in our lunchrooms and cafeterias. We are concerned about the future of our planet, and are vigorously doing our part to protect it at all costs for our children and theirs to come.